rgb(26, 111, 136)

Anti-Money Laundering

Deploying public-private information sharing partnerships ​to bring together governments, law enforcement, regulators and the financial sector to detect, prevent and disrupt money laundering linked to corruption.

Country: Afghanistan

Status: ongoing

Themes: Uncategorised

Last updated: December 2020


Concrete: Concrete | New: New | Ambitious: Somewhat Ambitious

  • 5 Evidence:

    Wolesi Jirga Confirms Arrest of MP on Charges of Smuggling €200K

    Official: Illegal Transfer of Over $1.6M Prevented at Airport

    Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Afghanistan

    International Memorandum of Understanding

    National Memorandum of Understanding

  • 3 Notes:

    According to data by the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center of Afghanistan (FinTRACA), which operates under the Central Bank, the authority prevented the illegal transfer--in and out-- of over 2,780 shipments of currency, gold and other precious stones worth more than $50.3 million in 2019. Worth of notice is also the arrest of an MP caught in the attempt to carry EURO 200,000 from Kabul Airport outside the country.

    Updated: October 31, 2020

    Based on the information received from FINTRACA, it has signed 19 Memorandums of Understanding. Eight of these are with other government entities within the Afghan government. Below are some:

    1. National Procurement Authority

    2. Ministry of Interior Affairs

    3. Attorney General Office

    4. National Directorate of Security

    5. Financial Supervision Department (Da Afghanistan Bank)

    6. High Office of Oversight and Anti-corruption

    7. Afghanistan Customs Department

    8. Afghanistan Revenue Department

    Also, FinTRACA has concluded the AML/CFT National Risk assessment, and Afghanistan has adopted the Regulation Governing the Reporting and Control of Physical Transfers of Currency, Bearer Negotiable Instruments, Gold, Other Precious Metals or Precious Stones through the Borders.

    Other useful documents are The Regulation Governing the Reporting and Control of Physical Transfers of Currency, Bearer Negotiable Instruments, Gold, Other Precious Metals or Precious Stones through the Borders of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Annex II attached.

    Peer reviewer: 1

    Updated: April 30, 2020

Afghanistan's Commitments
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