Data Literacy
We commit to leverage open data, big data and datasciences to foster data-driven anti-corruption policies. We will grow a culture of openness, data literacy and digital technologies by producing training modules on open data, the use of data and open government targeting public officials, and including more of these modules in initial and continuing civil service training programs.
Country: France
Status: ongoing
Themes: Open data
Last updated: December 2020
Concrete: Concrete | New: Not New | Ambitious: Ambitious
France implemented the great majority of its first National Plan for transparent and collaborative public action (2015-2017) and has continued to foster a culture of openness within local and national administrative bodies. The state agency Etalab has contributed to many initiatives in that direction and has been a major actor in pushing France to a second place in the OCDE OUR Data Index in 2019 and a third place in the Open Data Maturity Report. We salute its initiative to inject new skills inside administrative bodies through its Public Interest Entrepreneurship programme, which allows for skilled data engineers to join different public agencies for a 10 month period in order to implement and accelerate their transition to digital technologies and open data. Although many improvements can still be made, France has implemented the appropriate framework and shown its political readiness to effectively foster open data et data literacy in the spirit of its commitment to the Global Pledge Tracker.
Updated: October 31, 2020
The opendata culture is still developing in France, with support from some State agencies like Etalab. The High Authority for Transparency In Public Life (HATVP) is also very committed to foster opendata and openness. However, the second OGP national action plan was disappointing compared to the first one.
Updated: October 30, 2019