rgb(26, 111, 136)


Ghana is committed to exploring further options for improving transparency and openness in the area of public contracting and will continue to blacklist and debar service providers and contractors who engage in corrupt and other related misconduct in public procurement.

Country: Ghana

Status: overdue

Themes: Public procurement

Last updated: December 2020


Concrete: Somewhat Concrete | New: Not New | Ambitious: Not Ambitious

  • 3 Evidence:

    The Amended Public Procurement Act 2016 (Section 3q, pg.8)

    List of Barred Suppliers (Deferring to World Bank's List)

    World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms & Individuals

  • 7 Notes:

    This pledge is overdue. The Authority is not doing anything by way of blacklisting or debarring service providers/contractors who engage in corrupt and related misconduct in public procurement. What has been done since 2017 is the establishment of a Ministry of Procurement and an Office of Special Prosecutor with the responsibility of ensuring the integrity of public procurement. In the event of proven procurement related corruption, the OSP is mandated to prosecute the perpetrator (an individual or an organisation). Just as reported in previous updates, the framework for implementing the debarment and blacklist has been established, what is lacking is the actual implementation. Note that the link that should contain the debarment list doesn't work, proving lack of implementation.

    Updated: October 31, 2020

    There are no updates on this commitment since the last pledge tracker iteration, there still isn't a debarred suppliers list within the Public Procurement Authority website.

    Updated: April 30, 2020

    Even though the new Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) As Amended (Act 914) contain provision on debarment , however there is no information on the Public Procurement Authority website on any entity that has been debarred in Ghana. The website only links visitors to the site to the world bank's list of debarred entities.

    Updated: October 30, 2019

    Debarment of entities found not to have complied with the country’s procurement was included in the Amended Public Procurement Act 2016 and the electronic platform has been set up. Currently the list online is a list of entities debarred by the World Bank.

    Updated: May 30, 2019

    No change.

    Updated: October 30, 2018

    The Amended Public Procurement Act 2016 (Act 914) has included Debarment (Section 3q). Implementation of the Act is pending and then a guideline will be developed on debarment. A draft regulation has been prepared and validated as of 12-04-2018.

    Peer reviewer: 1

    Updated: June 30, 2018

Ghana's Commitments
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