G20 Open Data Principles
We will work towards the full implementation of the G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles. We will work toward the full implementation of the G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles.
Country: Indonesia
Status: ongoing
Themes: Open data
Last updated: December 2020
Concrete: Other | New: Other | Ambitious: Other
Since the beginning of the Open Government Partnership initiative in 2011, the Government of Indonesia has been providing government data access in an easy-to-use format for the public. In response to that needs, there has been the ratification of Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia. This regulation strengthens the data.go.id portal that has existed since 2014. Currently, the portal has more than 1,200 datasets provided by 32 central and regional government agencies.
Unfortunately, of the six principles listed in the G-20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles, Indonesia does not yet comply with principals 2, 3 & 4. The current available public data is not accurate enough, timely, up to date, published at a disaggregated level, adequately documented, and following agreed-upon standards, metadata, and classifiers internationally. The data published in the data.go.id portal is also not yet available in multiple, standardized formats, so it isn't easy to process it by computers and used by people.
Amid these developments, Indonesia has a challenge to immediately establish a stable open data ecosystem, starting with data providers, data management teams, people who use data, and communities that drive public data initiatives. Data publication is the first step. While until now, the use of data in policymaking is still considered not optimal.
It is also vital to facilitate capacity building for public information employees as mandated in Public Information Law. The law stated that the officers have substantial authority in managing and publishing data. Unfortunately, overlapping positions also make their work not optimal, despite political pressure not to publish certain information.
Updated: October 31, 2020
The Indonesian Government has an open data portal that contains government official data.
Peer reviewer: 1
Updated: April 30, 2020
National Procurement Portal is active, with tenders and planning documents displayed that are within the month.
Peer reviewer: 1
Updated: October 30, 2019
No change since 2017.