Open Contracting Data Standard
Ghana will work towards making government public procurement ‘open by default’ – beginning with Open Contracting Data Standards for high value contracts and contracts in the oil, gas and mining sector
Country: Ghana
Status: ongoing
Themes: Public procurement
Last updated: December 2020
Concrete: Somewhat Concrete | New: Not New | Ambitious: Not Ambitious
Deputy Minister for Energy, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam, has said the legal and regulatory framework for open contracting for the oil and gas sector will be ready by June 2018.
Public Procurement Authority Portal
Ghana Online Respository: Mineral Rights
EITI Country Profile
Contract Disclosure in the Ghanaian extractive industries
Open Government Partnership End of-Term Report
Launch of the E-procurement system
Ghana Electronic Procurement System (GHANEPS)
Ghana launches first oil and gas licensing round
Ghana has made considerable progress under this pledge since 2016, albeit, only within the oil and gas sector. This has been made possible after the passage of the Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act, 2016 (Act 919). The first competitive tendering of oil and gas licensing round took place in 2018. Advocacy is on-going to bring the extractives under the Public Procurement Act to increase further the level of transparency.
Updated: October 31, 2020
The information on the mining repository and the public procurement portal is up to date, although the Public Procurement Authority portal requires registration to be used.
Updated: April 30, 2020
The fulfillment of the pledge is taking considerable time to complete, it is refreshing to note that the pledges are uniting two political traditions in Ghana. That is, the pledge was made by a government from one political party and implementation is being done by another government from another political persuasion. Even though the government has launched e-procurement, the PPA website is yet to conform to the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS).
Updated: October 30, 2019
As stated above, although the new procurement portal has been launched, it is yet to conform to the Open Contracting Standards (OCDS)
Peer reviewer: 1
Updated: October 30, 2019
The Public Procurement Authority established the centralised suppliers database.
Updated: May 30, 2019
Ghana has set up an open data centre, however there is much more to be done if Ghana is going to promote Open Contracting Data Standards. Currently, The Public Procurement Authority have the Prefix which is the first phase of getting incorporated in Ghana's Open Data Initiative. The Public Procurement Authority has indicated that the E-procurement will be on-stream by August 2018.
Updated: July 30, 2017