rgb(26, 111, 136)

Public Contracting

We will take steps to ensure transparency of the beneficial ownership of all companies involved in public contracting.

Country: Russia

Status: inactive

Themes: Beneficial ownership

Last updated: December 2020


Concrete: Somewhat Concrete | New: Not New | Ambitious: Ambitious

  • 7 Evidence:

    The FSB has proposed to remove from public access information on foreign travel management

    The State Duma adopted a law on the closure of procurement data under the state defense order

    Law and order under lockdown How the coronavirus quarantine is making it even harder to find justice in Russia’s courts

    The President of the Russian Federation approved the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2018 - 2020

    On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities”

    Law Review - Overview of Russia

    Amendments on federal law on budget public procurement

  • 7 Notes:

    In the current state of Covid-19 crisis, the public procurement law has been undermined by the closure of open procurement of many sectors, such as the army and Federal Security Service (FSB), as a result, beneficial ownership information is not being shared, and the latest events show a lack of political will to achieve this.

    Updated: October 31, 2020

    In the current state of the Covid-19 crisis the public procurement law has been undermined by the closure of open procurement practices for many sectors, such as the army and Federal Security Service (FSB). As a result, beneficial ownership information is not being shared, and the latest events show a lack of political will to achieve this.

    Peer reviewer: 1

    Updated: April 30, 2020

    There has been corresponding changed in federal law on budget public procurement 44-FZ which forbids to register in the Unified E-procurement System offshore companies entered into force in January 2019. This change is to comply with previous general forbidden to participate in public procurement for offshore companies introduced in July 2015. Still there is no such a prohibition for public owned companies if they are buying for their own earned money (which is regulated by another 223-FZ law) Meanwhile, companies re-domiciled in special administrative district do not publicly disclose any info about their ownership excluding authorities requests. There are about 15 such companies, but their number is slowly growing.

    Updated: October 30, 2019

    The new law introduced in 2019 does aim to increase transparency and modernise public procurement by moving to electronic platforms. However, there does not seem to be any mention of disclosing beneficial owner information and there appears to be gaps in the law.

    Peer reviewer: 1

    Updated: October 30, 2019

    President's Order 'National plan on anti-corruption 2018-2020' proposes to forbid participation in public procurement for companies which are controlled by offshore entities and persons.

    Updated: October 30, 2018

    It was reported by the General's Prosecutor's office (GP), that the bill developed by GP to disclose beneficiaries of companies participating in public procurement, was dismissed by the parliament after the Government submitted a negative review on it.

    Updated: October 30, 2017

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