rgb(26, 111, 136)

Public Contracting

Georgia will take steps to ensure transparency of the ownership and control of all companies involved in public contracting.

Country: Georgia

Status: inactive

Themes: Beneficial ownership

Last updated: December 2020


Concrete: Somewhat Concrete | New: Somewhat New | Ambitious: Other

  • 1 Evidence:

    OGP Criteria and Standards Subcommittee Resolution – COVID19 Pandemic

  • 4 Notes:

    Georgia has not taken any tangible steps in ensuring the transparency of ownership and control of all companies involved in public contracting.

    Updated: October 31, 2020

    This commitment has been proposed for the OGP Action Plan 2020-2021. The Government should offer its response by July 2020; as a result, we have not yet heard back about their final decision.

    Peer reviewer: 1

    Updated: April 30, 2020

    We haven't heard anything about this from the government's side. It's not in any of the Action Plans circulating as of yet.

    Updated: May 30, 2019

Georgia's Commitments
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