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Global Anti-Corruption Summit Pledge Tracking Methodology


The Global Anti-Corruption Pledge Tracker focuses on commitments made by over 20 governments, across six themes:

  1. Asset Recovery
  2. Beneficial Ownership
  3. Law Enforcement
  4. Open Data
  5. Public Procurement
  6. Whistleblower and Civil Society Space Protection


Working with colleagues in TI chapters in over 20 countries, we followed this methodology:

  1. Took time to UNDERSTAND what the government’s commitments are referring to;
  2. DECIDED how to measure progress for each commitment;
  3. REMOVED any commitments which were deemed too vague to track;
  4. IDENTIFIED the government department responsible for delivering on each commitment;
  5. INFORMED the responsible department that their progress will be monitored;
  6. If possible, RECORDED an expected timeline for delivering each commitment;
  7. INVITED government to share evidence of their progress;
  8. RESEARCHED evidence of progress on each commitment if government has not provided evidence;
  9. CATEGORISED each commitment as one of the following options below, according to the definitions provided;
  10. INPUTTED the evidence and categorisation
COMPLETE This commitment has an end date and there is evidence that it has been completed
ONGOING This commitment has no defined end date and there is evidence that activity has started
UNDERWAY This commitment has an end date and there is evidence that activity has started
NO DATA There is no data on how this commitment is progressing
INACTIVE There is evidence that no activity has taken place on this commitment
OVERDUE There is evidence that this commitment has gone past the deadline*
DROPPED There is evidence that this commitment has been dropped by the government

*The original deadline given. If no deadline given at the Summit, the first deadline offered by the government should be the one followed.



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