Anti-Corruption Bodies
Establishing the High Council for Governance, Rule of Law and Anti-corruption.
Country: Afghanistan
Status: complete
Themes: Uncategorised
Last updated: December 2020
Concrete: Concrete | New: New | Ambitious: Somewhat Ambitious
The High Council continued to meet during the past six months. However, they stopped inviting civil society organizations including Integrity Watch to be part of its meeting. This shows that even the commitments that are completed could start backtracking when the political will to fight corruption or government priorities are changing.
Updated: October 31, 2020
The High Council for governance, Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (HCAC) was decreed on 28/12/1394 that is 21 March 2016, and has been established. The High Council on Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption continues to meet and review progress of the Supreme Court and Supreme Audit Office for the FY 2019.
Peer reviewer: 1
Updated: April 30, 2020