Jordan commit to strengthen their asset recovery legislation, including through non-conviction based confiscation powers and the introduction of unexplained wealth orders.
Country: Jordan
Status: ongoing
Themes: Asset recovery
Last updated: December 2020
Concrete: Concrete | New: Not New | Ambitious: Ambitious
The Integrity and Anti-Corruption Law and its Amendments
2. The United Nations Convention Against Corruption Implementation Review Mechanism
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. 46 of 2007 and its amendments
Draft Law of 2008 Law on Collection of Public Funds
Law Amending State Funds Maintenance Law
More Information - Jordan Pledge Tracker
Integrity and anti-corruption law No (13) Year (2016)
Illicit Financing law No (21) Year 2014
The Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission is the agency responsible to implement this commitment, based on the Article (8) of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Law No. (13) for the year (2016) and that if there is an evidence that there is unexplained wealth order for those who are under the law of illicit gain, the commission council has the right to request all data and documents from the financial disclosure department.
Updated: October 31, 2020
- The Jordanian legal framework has the needed base to develop and amend to complete the implementation of this commitment where, The Anti-Money Laundering and counter terrorist Financing Law allows the crime of money laundering to be considered prohibited. Article (23) of the same law includes a provision regarding the implementation of external requests to confiscate the proceeds of money laundering crimes, which can be a civil court ruling and not a criminal in its origin. - The Integrity and Anti-Corruption Law, includes the authority of the commission to contribute to the recovery of money from corruption acts (Article 8). In addition to seizing and prohibiting disposal (freezing), these are precautionary measures that allow the result to be confiscated by judicial decision. - The Law on Collection of Public Funds and its Amendments: This law was originally issued to collect the money due from the receivables of taxpayers such as fees and taxes, but it can be developed and used in the framework of confiscation and recovery of funds without the need for a conviction judgment. - Law of Maintenance of State Funds No. (20) of 1966 and its amendments: Where a court is established under this law called the State Funds Maintenance Court, and it is within its competence to seize, retrieve and confiscate the money acquired by people in a manner that violates the law. - The state can also exercise its right through civil lawsuit and civil legislation in order to recover the money and its revenues through the provisions of the general rules in the civil law. - Economic Crimes Law No. (9) Of 1993 and its amendment. - Illicit financing law No (21) Of 2014 and its amendments. - The 2020 amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering Act represent an effort by the government to stenghten the asset recovery legislation.
Peer reviewer: 1
Updated: April 30, 2020
Rasheed Jordan have been undertaking a Key Performance Indicator report and will be published within the month. It will review the progress made on Jordan's anti-corruption commitments and is seen as a starting point of progress for the government.
Updated: May 30, 2019